If you will look for the past few years or so, then you can find that New Zealand has managed to evolve as one such country where the foreign investors like to invest and form their companies. In the recent years, this country has become a hot spot for the foreign investors, and they are really investing here in great numbers to form companies and running them. At this part of the world now LP or limited partnership like option has become very popular among these investors. In order to register partnership New Zealand, they are really considering the LP on a high node. And there are some good reasons behind it. When you become a limited partner in New Zealand, you are not taxed as the actual owner of that company. Rather you are taxed as the partner and due to this reason, you also save more money. You will also be able to maintain a separate identity as a limited partner form the actual owner of the LP. You will get more protection from those laws that can be enforced against your personal assets in the time of need.
Register Trust New Zealand
Tax neutrality is the prime thing that most of the trust jurisdictions in this world use to follow. But in New Zealand, they are also offering enough importance to the constant tax concession like thing. This is a big reason why when you register trust New Zealand, you can really reap more benefits.
When you register a trust in New Zealand, you also get several other benefits like protection for your family assets and protection from the creditors.